Monday, December 21, 2009

Riddle of the Day

well pups i have a riddle for ya lets see which on of my friends are smarter.

Henry was out walking one day. He met his father-in-law's only daughter's mother-in-law. What did Henry call her?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

hey pups, I was browsing the web and I came across the major cake contest and they had all kinds of weird cakes and these are some of them (Scrabble any!)


this is my fav

Awwww to cute
Wow(thats all i can say)

A Garden

.this is to you macy:) ily!!!!!


(my fellow princesses this is our housE

These are just some o fthe cakes i seen theres alot more

Well got to go, Eskimo


Monday, December 14, 2009

101 ways to say i love you

I adore you. I am infatuated with you. I appreciate you. I can't live without you. I can't stop thinking about you when we're apart. I cherish you. I dream of you. I live for our love. I love being around you. I need you by my side. I need you. I respect you. I value you. I want a lifetime with you. I want you. I worship you. I yearn for you. I'm a better person because of you. I'm blessed to have you in my life . I'm devoted to you. I'm fond of you. I'm lost without you. I'm nothing without you. I'm passionate about you. I'm thankful for you. I'm yours. Me and you. Always. My love is unconditional. Our love is invaluable. Take me, I'm yours. The thought of you brings a smile to my face. Ti tengu cara (to female) or Ti tengu caru (to male). Together, forever. We were meant to be together. You are a blessing in disguise. You are an angel from God. You are like a candle burning bright. You are my crush. You are my dear. You are my everything. You are my one and only. You are my reason for living. You are my strength. You are my sunshine. You are my treasure. You are my world. You are precious. You are the light of my life. You are the reason I'm alive. You bring happiness to rainy days. You bring joy to my life. You cast a spell on me that can't be broken. You complete me. You drive me wild. You fill me with desire. You fill my heart. You give me wings to fly. You had me from hello. You hold the key to my heart. You inspire me. You intoxicate me. You lift me up to touch the sky. You light my flame. You light up my life. You make me hot. You make my heart skip a beat. You make my world a better place. You mean the world to me. You motivate me. You rock my world. You seduce me. You set my heart on fire. You simply amaze me. You stole my heart. You sweeten my sour days. You turn my world upside down. You turn the darkness into life. You're a dream come true. You're a gem. You're a twinkle in my eye. You're absolutely wonderful. You're all I want. You're as beautiful as a sunset. You're beautiful. You're charming. You're enchanting. You're heavenly. You're my angel. You're my perfect match. You're one in a million. You're priceless. You're sexy. You're the apple of my eye. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. You're the best. You're the diamond in the rough. You're the one for me. You're the one I've always wished for.

Hey Pups(bby fox thats you guys:) ). ive had such a GREAT week. For Starters;

The Glee Concert was AH-Mazing(thats what everbody said) im sooo proud of our little glee club. Did I tell you that i was Rudolph the red nosed reindeer and i was the sexiest deer anyone has seen in years. Everybody was telling me how bubbly and cute i was and it deff went to my head. The only sad thing about the performance was KristiannGaga! wasnt there and that sucked. She was at home "dying" :(.

Macy and Lloyd did such a good job on there duet i was kinda jealous. Everyone was so surprised that they can sing. They were beautiful Thats all i can say.I love them

Kayla's solo had so many ppl in the crowd crying. I was siting down on stage listening to her and i was tearing up 2. it was GREAT!!!!!

Eden's mom (FYI Eden is my boyfriend) took me shopping-well she went shopping and i watched, I had a really good time she so cool and i love her She bought me some really cute sunglasses from .


I slept all Day!!!

Well that was the only thing interesting i did last week Everything else doesnt matter

Gotta Go Eskimo :) ,Love Ya
Miss Glee Queen

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Let me tell you! Were soooo Amazing im so proud our little glee club. We have some of the most amazing singers.
Patrice(me DUH!)

sounds like The Little Mermaid
who sounds like Lady Gaga but quieter;)

And Lets not forget J.Rowe(my secret lover)
he raelly tries and everyday he gets better and better

Lloyd master of the single ladies:):)
He has the best voice EVER!

We have so many GREAT singers i cant mention them all.
Emily on and so forth......

Im really excited for our Glee Concert on Friday but im a little worried about how the school will like it. Jemison High is RedNECK heaven they just dont understand the Finer things in life. But as long as i have fun on that stage i really dont care what they think.

Well the bell is about to ring so i gotta go,
Miss Glee Queen 2009

If any one is wondering why i suck so bad with these dang blog just look past it. Everytime i send a post i end up deleting it. Its really gay lol. But Bare with me im gonna get the hang of it ;)